I love music. Like most people do. I sing in the car in a traffic jam. I create youtube playlists and blare it on my computer. I use it to help me study and get work done. I'm listening to it right now... The place I rarely have used music (I've only used music twice in five months of marathon training) is on my runs. Each run I go on is always a special time. Whether I am running with a friend and talking about our lives and what is to come. Or I'm running with the team and getting to hear about their crazy high school stories. Or I am by myself and in my own thoughts. Sometimes I still play songs but only by memory in my head, sometimes I think about sports and this blog, sometimes I think about life and where I am going. But more importantly and more recently, runs by myself our my time with God.
Everyone is different. Everyone reaches out to God in different ways. I never feel more close to God than in the 10th mile of an 18 miler. Being surrounded by the wilderness with my legs churning out without any conscious thought. Just hitting the same pace over and over. My lungs feel more open and my breathing is the best it's ever been. The runner's high is just starting to hit a level I've never felt. I start skipping like I haven't just ran 10 miles. This is my time with God. I pray for His strength to guide me on all my runs.
Running so many miles by myself in the last five months, I have been able to strengthen my relationship with God. I have complimented this running journey with God by starting to go back to church as well. This allowed me to think even more deeply about how God wants to use me in life and what purpose He has for me. I am running with God and for God.
Three weeks ago, I found out that I had an upper respiratory infection(walking pneumonia). Something that a marathoner doesn't want...something that affects your breathing. At first I wasn't sure what this meant. Did He not want me to run a marathon yet? Or did He want me to start tapering early because I have put in all the hard work I need? After talking to my running family about what I should do. It was unanimous. I should still go through with the marathon. With so much encouragement to still run the marathon, I knew this was a sign from God that He wanted me to just taper early and come back rested and stronger than ever for the marathon. Now, after a great long run back from the infection, I trust Him more than ever.
I quote this scripture during all my runs now, but in 19 days it is going to help me more than ever!
"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength" Phil. 4:13
A song I sing on my long runs:
Forever Reign
"I'm Running to Your Arms"
Nice! Glad you're feeling better :)